Sunday, November 3, 2013

Unrelated to School

This is my first post that I have done that is unrelated to the original purpose that this blog was meant to serve.

I think over the past week or so, since my birthday, I have really begun to realize how quickly time seems to pass.

For example, I was just looking at facebook and stumbled across the profile of a girl I used to babysit while in high school and she is now about to graduate high school herself. I flipped through her photos and saw her younger brother and sisters and realized that the youngest is now TEN YEARS OLD! Wow, time certainly has FLOWN by.

I look back on the last ten years of my own life and struggle to think of moments that stand out to me as  substantial and life-changing. I cannot come up with more than three.

I promised myself on my birthday that I would live this life with more freedom and say yes to things I normally would not. I live my life in a bubble and my hope is to bring myself out of my comfort zone.

I had this plan for what I call "My Great Adventure." Where I was to take Christmas Break and drive across the country. Those plans were cut down though when I learned that I was going to be working until December 20th and I have orientation for Southwestern on January 10th.

I was hoping to drive from Austin to Baton Rouge and stay a night with a friend who goes to LSU Law School then make it to Gainesville, FL to be with my family for a weekend or so to celebrate my Uncle George and his life after his recent passing. After that my plan was to drive up the East Coast and to see my grandparents in Maryland then make my way to my parents house in New Jersey.

I wanted to make the trip to prove to myself that I am capable of doing things on my own. I have always been a homebody and I am sad to say that I regret not going out more and having more friends throughout college. Sure, it has paid off in the way of grades, but when I look back, that is all I can say I have achieved. Do I want my life to be like a corny coming of age movie? No, but I do spend a lot of time thinking about what could have been.

From here on out, this blog as my witness, I hereby swear to put myself out there more. Say yes to the opportunities that come my way, especially if they put me outside of my comfort zone. And most importantly, live my life like I have been afraid to live it.

-Kelly out!

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