Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Week 1 Journal PSYC 1300-004

My goal has always been to earn my degree. The road to get here however, well, that's a different story.

When I first began college in my home state of New Jersey, I was pursuing Education with a minor in English.

I quickly learned however, that I was not actually interested in the idea of teaching at 18 years old, I didn't want to be responsible for anyone but myself.

While at ACC, I have jumped between Social Work, Paralegal, and finally settled for General Studies just so I can hurry up and graduate.

In the spring I will be attending Southwestern University and I finally feel like I am happy with my decisions. At SU I will be studying both Political Science, and Business. I was leaning towards majoring in Political Science but I know a major in Business is more marketable.

Having a degree is very important to me, I will be the first person in my immediate family to graduate from college; and I know that having a degree will open many doors that were previously closed to me.

After earning my Bachelors, my goal is to attend Law School. That is very far down the road at this point, so I am just taking it a semester at a time.

In the meantime, I am occupying what little free-time I have by doing volunteer work in my community. I work with a number of charities, including The Literacy Council of Williamson County, The Georgetown Public Library, Ronald McDonald House, AIDS Services of Austin, SafePlace, Capital Area Food Bank, and Meals on Wheels, to name a few.

Phi Theta Kappa Officer Induction
I am also a member and officer within the International Honor Society, Phi Theta Kappa, where I have been presented with so many wonderful opportunities that I wouldn't have experienced otherwise.

On top of all this, I also work 32 hours a week in the Admissions and Records office at the Round Rock Campus!

I know that if I did not have my family by my side and supporting me both mentally and emotionally, I would not be able to accomplish all the things that I take on at once (many times it is too many)! I currently live at home, with my grand-parents. I am very grateful for them because they also assist me financially; we have an agreement where they will pay my car insurance and gas if I keep my GPA above a 3.5. So far so good! There are always pros and cons to living with family versus living alone or perhaps with other college students. I find myself having to remind my Grandparents constantly that I need quiet space to study in so many times I will wake up earlier than them to get my work done. I find that I am definitely a morning person, much to my own dismay!

My Syllabi Matrix and Comprehensive Notebook-
look at those tabs!!!
In response to the final question that was asked (which I did not know how to seamlessly slide into my post), I found that most of the information presented within the pre-chapter was old information or tips that I have picked up over my three years in college. One thing I really liked, which I have never done, was the Syllabi Matrix. I always compile calendars and keep my syllabi in my notebook, but it never occurred to me to make a "master plan."

I have a slight obsession with YouTube videos where girls explain how they organize their notebooks and courses for school. There are also a lot of great tips on note taking which I have taken into my own practice as well.

This chapter is definitely a good refresher for us old pros and a very nice, comprehensive overview with many tips for the newbies as well. I enjoy the way our textbook is organized and it is quite interesting. I found myself 3 pages deep in Chapter 1 before I realized that the pre-chapter was over!

Until next time,